Sitting Down With: Stephen Wolinsky
Maharaj, said “Forget me, forget Maharaj, even forget the teachings, and just stay in the consciousness, and your own unique path, whatever that may be, will emerge for you.” That is significant because it levels everything. The right thing for me is going to be different from you and from somebody else. If they stay in the consciousness, everybody is going to have their own “unique camp” that will emerge for them.
I think unfortunately in spirituality, everything is one size fits all. Everyone gets the same mantra, tantra, yantra, the same thing to do as if it is all right for everybody.
I think a lot of the problems that people have or pain that they face is because they take on somebody else’s system and try to fit into it rather than stay in the consciousness of their own self and their own system and see what emerges.
It makes me think of Krishna’s teaching in the Bhagavad Gita that it is better to do your own dharma badly than someone else’s well. [Übersetzung in Deutsch]
Das ist exakt meine Erfahrung: man wird zur Kopie dessen, dem man folgt!