[…] Now lets summarize so far, the universe is perfect, no one exists, yet the experience “universe” persists. How can this be? Consciousness. Consciousness is aware. If it were not, then there would be no universe. The very nature of existence implies consciousness. One can not exist without the other.
There can never be a universe that does not involve consciousness. There are no universes or dimensions where there is no consciousness. Matter and form would never arise without consciousness. Universe/Consciousness, Mind/Matter, Wave/Particle, call it what you will, the reality is that the manifestation, the very appearance we call the universe, is consciousness.
Now don’t mistake me here, there is no observer. There are no persons in existence experiencing the universe, but more than that there is no Ultimate Person, God, Mind, or anything else observing the universe. There is only the experience of the universe being there with no experiencer.
This seems like a paradox but who cares, this is the way it is. Experience “is,” that is all, that is the way the universe is, an experience by no one. The universe spontaneously arises out of consciousness yet at the same time is itself consciousness. We must lose the idea of matter being observed by something we call consciousness, that is not true.
Some teachers talk of the Witness, the ultimate passive mind that observes all things moment to moment. This implies some level of separation, a witness over here watching the universe over there. It’s not like this, there is only the experience, universe. There is no observer. Even if there were no manifestation the feeling would be the same. Once again let me make this clear: consciousness is not aware “of” the universe, consciousness is aware “as” the universe. (Bewusstsein IST das Universum)
Now don’t mistake that last sentence. Don’t think, “Oh yeah Steve, I get it now, consciousness is not aware of the universe from a vantage point separate from it, like a disembodied soul, consciousness is instead aware of the universe as one of the billions of beings in it, like man, or dog, or fish.” No! Such thoughts are false. When I say consciousness is aware “as” the universe I mean the very act of existence is consciousness. (Bewusst-Sein = bewusste Existenz des Ganzen)
A carrot is itself consciousness, is itself awareness. There is no carrot aware of itself as carrot nor disembodied invisible consciousness aware of carrot as carrot, there is only the experience “carrot” and that is consciousness and that is enlightenment. There is no observer.
Let’s talk now about how this fits in with human life. All people who do not know what’s going on believe that they are the people that they are, an individual with thoughts and desires and hopes and dreams, a body and a house, a wife and a child. The list goes on but you get it.
Now the truth. Even though the above is happening, it is an automatic machine-like emergence out of Universe/Consciousness and is following a strict nonchance pattern. More importantly, no one is performing any of the above and Universe/Consciousness IS what is going on.
To make it more clear, stuff is happening but no one is doing it. Emergence proceeds and consciousness is aware. The unawake person, the person that doesn’t know what’s going on believes that they are acting, that the human them exists. The reality is, the body exists, the thoughts exist, the memories exist and that is consciousness and that is all.
Someone might say consciousness has temporarily mistaken it’s experience of the body and the body’s memories as a person. But even though that answer may seem to explain the why, really there is no mistake at all. Universe/Consciousness has never been confused. The person can fall away at any moment restoring the original state of matter and consciousness which has never actually been obscured. This happened to me, but in that happening nothing was lost because there never was a me to lose, only a confusion to correct that never existed.
Knowing this, I mean really knowing this, not intellectually, but as a direct experience of everyday life is enlightenment. Now once this is known it is impossible to go back. Once you have drawn the curtain and seen who Oz really is you can’t cover him back up and pretend not to know the truth.
So how do we proceed once we know? We let experience manifest unmolested. As has been said, “The universe is perfect, intervene at your peril.” The enlightened person never acts. This is the riddle of karma solved, there is no karma, never was, never could be. There is no reincarnation, how could there be? Who is there to reincarnate? There are no persons, there is no birth or death, there is ultimately nothing except Manifestation=Awareness.
99.999% of the spiritual books and teachers out there are completely wrong. They are wrong for one simple reason, they are not enlightened, they don’t know what’s going on. So in order to keep the illusion of personality, of the idea that there is something or someone, they invent stories, or theories, or ideas, wear special clothes, perform certain rituals and so on. They teach this stuff. But the truth is so simple, it is laughable. […]
Es ist kaum besser auszudrücken: Bewusstsein existiert als die Dinge – oder anders herum alles, was ist, wird durch Bewusstsein ausgedrückt. Genauer gesagt besteht jedes Objekt aus einer blasenförmigen Sphäre, einer Bewusstseins-Blase. Das bedeutet natürlich, dass es keine feste Materie gibt, denn die würde, platt gesagt, „durch Bewusstsein hindurch fallen„. Festigkeit ist Datenbestandteil, eine Objekt-Eigenschaft der virtuellen Realität.
Und – weil es nur ein Bewusstsein gibt, das alles erzeugt und animiert, kann es per se nichts falsches oder böses geben. Relativ betrachtet natürlich schon – aber dann darf man auch nicht durch eine Wiese gehen, denn das ist ein desaströses Geschehen für die vielen Organismen, die dann zertreten werden. Man sollte auch nicht atmen, denn auch dabei werden Milliarden von Bakterien, Keimen und Pollen zerstört. Ein lebender Organismus lebt und agiert, ohne sich etwas böses zu denken und zerstört dabei ungeheuer viele andere Organismen. Leben lebt von Leben.
Leben und Zerstörung geschieht Hand in Hand, weil Bewusstsein eben kein deutschstämmiger, linksgrüner, bahnhofsjubelnder Dummbeutel ist! Lebende Organismen (auch Dummbeutel) werden (aus „Bewusstseins-Substanz„) erzeugt und im nächsten Augenblick kommen sie möglicherweise schon wieder unter die Räder vor die Kanonen oder werden zerstückelt. Das ist überall so, ob es Dinausaurier sind oder Nationen.
Das ist nur momentan schwer vorstellbar, denn speziell in Europa leben die Menschen mittlerweile seit 70 Jahren im Frieden. Das bedeutet, es kann sich fast niemand mehr vorstellen, dass es auch einmal Krieg geben könnte – was immer mit unvorstellbarem Leid und Zerstörungen einher geht. Das war schon immer so.
Das wird auch so bleiben – solange das zugrunde liegende Bewusstsein die Handlung nicht „umschreibt„. Nur, warum sollte es das tun? Weil die momentane Darstellung den nicht existierenden „Ich’s“ nicht gefällt? Die letzten beiden Sätze sind nicht ernst gemeint, weil es keine „geschriebene Handlung“ gibt. Aber es wird eben auch keine Rücksicht auf nicht vorhandene „Ich’s“ genommen.