Ich habe diesen Text nie zuvor gesehen – aber da drin steht viel von dem, was ich selbst innerlich gesehen habe. Dass der Autor ein Theosoph war, ist dabei nicht von Belang – Wahrheit bleibt Wahrheit, egal, wer sie ausspricht.
The Way to the Heart of the Universe
[…] We mean by the heart of the universe that consciousness, that light, that understanding, that nature whose essence is bliss, which is the life of the universe — not a personal life but an impersonal life, from and through which the universe draws the forces which infill it, which forces are the gods, the spiritual beings, the playing of whose vitality we sense even through the shell of the physical world, and therefrom take the term so familiar to us, the forces working in matter.
This consciousness, this light, this understanding, this nature whose essence is bliss, are collectively what we mean by the heart of the universe, a heart which is nowhere in particular, because everywhere; called the „heart“ only because it is the secret center in each one of us, the core of our being, and which is not only the source but also the passageway, or the canal, or the channel, through which those supernal forces of the divine do pass into us; and, reduced to the last analysis, we are they and they are we, because the recondite and secret fountains of our being are all these things.
You know the teaching of the old Eastern philosophy, the Vedanta of Hindustan, which in this respect is likewise the teaching of Northern Buddhism, and is also ours, to this effect: the universe is one vast organism, an organism which is composite of organisms still smaller, still more minute, not located in any particular place but spread throughout the spaces, indefinitely in all directions, and likewise inwardly and outwardly, in the inner worlds as well as in the outer worlds. And these are full of these still smaller, still more minute organisms, which in their aggregate form the vast organism of the cosmos. […]
[…] All of you are that pathway. I mean that each one of you men and women is for yourself that pathway; there is no other for any one of you, because it is yourself traveling along the path of understanding consciousness, and reaching ultimately its evolutionary goal, when you become a god.