10:22 – 11:28 The firmness of concentration brings calmness and quitness of mind. If you have mindfulness without a firm foundation of the concentration your’e gonna have a state which is actually sick. If you take it to the extreme it is going to be similar to LSD.
Think of LSD or a psychedelic drug – your mind is over-sensitized, hyper-sensitive. But it’s lacking something that is very essential, it’s lacking a clear transparent lens, that can only come from a mind that is calm and well concentrated.
This is why on LSD – unless your’e a meditator or yogi or somebody of that kind – it will be very difficult for you to learn the distinction between what are the mental projections and what is real insightful clarity of perception, because your mind is hyper-sensitive in a way that it’s lacking the calmness and the quitness of mind. So, you want sensitivity but at the same time with clarity.